

An orphan named Empoy witnessed a spaceship crash while visiting his parents' graves. The spaceship opened up and Empoy saw someone wearing what later became known as Combatron's armor. That someone told Empoy that he is from a distant planet called Omnicron where he and his kind were being chased by governing cyborgs as outlaws. These cyborgs will soon follow him to Earth. He passed his special armor on to Empoy and entrusted the burden of being Combatron along with the services of a robot dog named Askal.

Affiliations: Askal, Axel, Metalika, Dobbernaut, General Kipper, and later Komikus and Death Metal

Enemies: Abodawn, Alchitran, Diaconda, Death Metal, Quietus, Helvetica, Bracagon, Mega Death, Genocide (formerly Quietus and Helvetica)